Sítovací stroje, sítování, filtrace, sítovačky, filtr

Provozujete firmu, ve které potřebujte filtrační zařízení? Kontaktujte naši společnost.

Separační síta Belgie, odstředivkové separátory, filtrace

Naše společnost je leaderem v oblasti konstrukce sítovaček a filtračních zařízení. Vyrábíme tedy sítovačky, separátory, ultrazvukové odslepovací systémy a filtry pro zpracovatelský průmysl, například potravinářský, hutnický, chemický nebo farmaceutický. Před nákupem našich produktů si vše můžete vyzkoušet na našich díky testovacím zařízením.

Pokud máte zájem o naše produkty, kontaktujte nás telefonicky nebo přes email.

Since its founding in 1934 by Russell Finex rejoices in its successful growth for more than 80 years. Russell Finex has become a world leader in the design and manufacture of high-quality sítovaček and filtration equipment. Russell Finex subsidiary is located in the UK, USA, Belgium and India, in order to guarantee true global reach.

Our extensive range of filters provides sítovaček and separation solutions to a wide area of business, including premium "blue chip" companies around the world and across all types of industries - particularly food and pharmaceutical industries.

Within the industry, we offer the widest range of high quality vibrating sítovaček to ensure that your powder or liquid products are of the highest quality and do not contain any pollution.

Our offer filtration equipment is ideal for removing oversize contamination from fluids. Our filters fitted with an innovative self-cleaning system, maximizing productivity while minimizing product losses and operator involvement.

Thanks to rigorous auditing and accreditation of ISO 9001 compliance repeatability and traceability, like the provision of high quality service whenever you need it.

Russell Finex company is an expert in the industry, also providing customized solutions that enable it to fulfill all customer requirements. Whether due to targeted groups or feedbacks from clients around the world, we commit ourselves to the fact that we provide solutions that exceed your separation requirements.

As a worldwide leader in fine sieving technology - the design and manufacture of vibration sítovaček, separators, ultrasonic odslepovacích systems and filters, which are usage across the entire manufacturing industry, supplied by Russell Finex their facilities, designed for the global market, to more than 140 countries. We have offices in the UK, USA, Belgium and India, as well as a far-reaching network of experienced agents and distributors worldwide.

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